News That Matters


Nunzium (Nuntium, news in Latin) is born on the 1st August 2022. After the COVID pandemic period and the start of the Ukrainian conflict we felt the need to get worldwide news in a clear and efficient way. Unfortunately, we could not find a website which could satisfied our wish. Therefore, we created Nunzium. Nunzium is open to the whole world and focuses only on those news that are relevant for a transversal international audience. We provides you the most recent news from the world in an easy and simple format, which includes:

1. Date
2. Theme
3. Title
4. Summary
5. Links to journals
6. Theme Pioneer

The theme pioneer is a person who had a tremendous impact in human culture in the theme of the news. For example: a theme pioneer for sport is Mohammad Ali, one for technology is Leonardo Da Vinci. By clicking on the theme pioneer you will be linked to his/her Wikipedia page:
theme character
theme character

Nunzium has the ambition to become not only a portal for your daily information, but also a reference for modern history research. You will find that in Nunzium the first page will always offer you the news from the last seven days. You will be able to browse news from the past going back weekly until our foundation date. This way every news connected to a past fact can be further assessed by looking back in time. Of course, we cannot guarantee that the links to all original journals will be working forever, but we count on journalism ethics in maintaining accessibility to information from all the linked third parties. Because of legal matters, we cannot in any way store journal articles for you and display it ourselves.

We take our job seriously, and therefore we apply the following ethical code to our reporting:

1. News summaries are focused only on the most relevant facts.
2. Nunzium is open to the whole world and focuses only on those news that are relevant for a transversal international audience.
3. We do not report news that are based on opinions. We also do not report news that are marginal to ongoing processes, but rather try to summarize such processes when they reach either a conclusion or a relevant milestone. It implies that we do not report interim news from local political campaigns (or daily battles and altercations during conflicts), but rather focus on the results of the elections of those campaigns (or pivotal moments in conflicts) especially when relevant to many nations.
4. We provide impartial reports. We link to more than one journal to allow you getting the information from different point of views. This is especially important for those facts that relate to conflicts between nations, as well as political important events.
5. Linking a journal does not mean neither to sustain or condemn it, it simply provides you access to their content without prejudice. We do not aspire to determine what is propaganda and what not. This is how Nunzium is an impartial provider.


At Nunzium we are not financed by media companies, governmental agencies, or political organizations. This is essential to maintain our role of impartial observers. If you like our work, please consider to send us a donation. To do that, write to us at with subject "Enquiry for donations". Please include disclosure of your identity and, if any, affiliation with any media companies, governmental agencies, or political organizations.

Thank you for choosing Nunzium!

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