News That Matters


A week of records for UK politics: Liz Tuss marks the shortest mandate in history and Rishi Sunak is named Prime Minister

Today Rishi Sunak was named leader of the UK Conservative party and will consequently become the country's next prime minister (in the UK the leader of the majority party is automatically prime minister as well). Sunak's appointment came after British Prime Minister Liz Truss resigned last week, just six weeks into her mandate, after losing the party support mainly due to the serious financial crisis caused by her tax reform. Sunak is 42 years old and is the first non-white person to be named UK Prime Minister. He was born in Southampton, England, where his parents had emigrated from Africa: his father was born in Kenya, and his mother in Tanzania, and both were of Indian descent. In his political career, Sunak was mainly Chancellor of the Exchequer (Minister of Economy) between 2020 and 2022, during the government of Boris Johnson. He is a graduate of Oxford University and also studied at Stanford, in the United States. He had previously worked for the major investment bank Goldman Sachs and entered politics in 2014, among the Conservatives. He is considered a pragmatic politician who belongs to the right wing of the party (in 2016 he voted in favor of Brexit). Sunak will formally take office in the next few hours, after receiving the post from King Charles III. With Miss Tuss’ resignation after only 6 weeks and Sunak’s election, the UK marks two unprecedented records in his political history.