News That Matters


Singapore to make LGBT relationships legal

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on Sunday that Singapore will decriminalise sex between men but has no plans to change the legal definition of marriage as being between a man and a woman. A small but important step for LGBT rights in a nation where homosexual relationships are still "de facto" illegal. LGBTQ groups welcomed Lee's decision to repeal Section 377A of the penal code, but also expressed concern that ruling out same-sex marriage would help to perpetuate discrimination. Singapore is the latest place in Asia to move on LGBT rights, after India, Taiwan and Thailand. In recent years, other parts of Asia have also moved to legalise gay marriage. Taiwan became the first place to do so in 2019, and in June Thailand approved draft legislation allowing same-sex unions. Curiously enough, anti-homosexual laws were inherited from the English legislation during colonialism. While nowadays in the UK homosexual families are free and equal to heterosexual ones, many Asian governments are still struggling to accept such societal changes.