News That Matters

28/09/2023 ---- 10/10/2023

The role and status of women, particularly in employment, have undergone significant changes over the last century. Despite a threefold increase in women's participation in paid work in many high-income countries, a substantial gender gap persists. Approximately half of women worldwide are engaged in paid work, compared to 80% of men.

Claudia Goldin, a trailblazing economic historian and Harvard University professor, has devoted her career to studying this issue. Born in 1946 in New York, Goldin made history in 1989 as the first woman to receive tenure in Harvard's economics department. Her work recently earned her this year's Nobel economics prize, making her the third woman and the first to win the award without male co-recipients.

Goldin's research offers valuable insights into the complex factors influencing female labor supply and demand, including work-family balance, education and child-rearing decisions, technological advancements, legislation, societal norms, and economic shifts. She discovered that women's employment rates were historically underreported, with their participation in the US labor force at the end of the 1890s being notably higher than official statistics indicated. Her analysis of over two centuries of US data revealed a U-shaped curve describing women's labor force participation, a pattern also observed in many other countries.

Goldin's research identified marriage as a significant factor affecting women's employment rates, with "marriage bars" legislation often restricting married women's employment. However, the introduction of the contraceptive pill in the late 1960s enabled women to delay marriage and childbirth, thus influencing their career and educational decisions.

Goldin also explored the enduring wage gap between men and women. Despite significant reductions since the 1970s, this gap persists. Her extensive research covering two centuries revealed that parenthood is a crucial factor in explaining income differences between genders in high-income countries.

Goldin's work suggests that societal norms, labor market trends, and education levels impact women's employment levels. The ability to plan and finance a return to work after having children, or to work more flexibly, may be key to reducing gender disparities in the labor market.

The importance of Goldin's research is immense. As Randi Hjalmarsson, a member of the Nobel prize committee, noted, Goldin's findings have far-reaching societal implications. With women earning less and less likely to climb the career ladder, her work provides essential insights into the factors influencing these disparities.

Goldin's Nobel Prize underscores the significance of her research in understanding women's historical and contemporary roles in the labor market. As efforts towards gender equality continue, her work will undoubtedly guide policies and initiatives aimed at reducing the gender gap in the labor market. Recognizing the past is a vital step towards creating a more equitable future.


October 2023 saw an unprecedented escalation in the long-standing conflict between Israel and Hamas, a militant group. The group launched a massive attack on Israel, firing 5,000 rockets and infiltrating Palestinian militants into Israeli towns, leading to the capture of both civilians and soldiers. This attack resulted in a tragic loss of life, with at least 100 people killed and hundreds more wounded in Israel.

In response to this aggression, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared war on Hamas and initiated a series of air strikes on Gaza. This retaliation resulted in approximately 200 deaths in Gaza and drew international attention, with US President Joe Biden expressing unequivocal support for Israel. As the violence escalated, the death toll in Israel rose to at least 150, with over 1,000 wounded. The Israeli airstrikes targeted key Hamas locations, including the home of Hamas Gaza chief Yehya Al-Sinwar and a 14-story tower housing Hamas offices.

In a move that heightened tensions, Israel cut off electricity to the Gaza Strip. The violence resulted in at least 198 people in Gaza being killed and over 1,600 wounded. To foster unity, Netanyahu invited opposition leaders Yair Lapid and Benny Gantz to join a national government.

The escalating violence had significant international implications. Germany's Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock warned of a potential "major regional escalation," and the German Foreign Ministry advised against travel to Israel and the Palestinian territories. Additionally, Lufthansa suspended flights to Israel.

The UN Security Council, chaired by Brazil, convened an emergency meeting to discuss the escalating violence. Despite these international efforts, the conflict continued in 22 locations in southern Israel, including ongoing hostage situations in two towns.

The conflict took an unexpected turn when Hamas militants infiltrated nearby Israeli towns during a major Jewish holiday, abducting an unknown number of civilians and soldiers. In response, Israel intensified airstrikes in Gaza. The Israeli military confirmed that Hamas militants had taken Israeli citizens and soldiers captive. The death toll continued to rise, with Israel's national rescue service reporting at least 200 people killed and 1,100 wounded.

In Gaza, the situation also worsened, with the Palestinian Health Ministry reporting at least 198 deaths and 1,610 injured due to Israeli strikes. Hamas retaliated by firing over 3,500 rockets into Israel, hitting four cities including Tel Aviv. The fighters used various means to infiltrate Israeli towns, including explosives, motorcycles, pickup trucks, paragliders, and speed boats.

The conflict also resulted in a significant human cost, with an unknown number of civilians, including workers from Thailand and the Philippines, taken captive. As the conflict continued, Israel's military deployed additional troops and tanks to the Gaza border.

As the conflict continues to unfold, there are no clear winners, only victims. The international community continues to call for an end to the violence, but a resolution seems far off. Despite the escalating violence, the resilience of the Israeli and Palestinian people remains unbroken. However, as the conflict enters its next phase, it is clear that the path to peace will be long and challenging.


The Norwegian Nobel Institute in Oslo recently honored Iranian activist Narges Mohammadi with the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize. This recognition is a testament to Mohammadi's relentless advocacy for women's rights and human freedom in Iran, despite facing formidable opposition from the Iranian government.

Mohammadi, the deputy head of the Defenders of Human Rights Center, has been arrested 13 times since 2011, convicted five times, and sentenced to a total of 31 years in prison for alleged "propaganda". Yet, her spirit remains unyielding, and she continues her fight for justice from within Tehran's Evin prison.

The Nobel Peace Prize, a prestigious honor awarded annually since 1901, acknowledges individuals and organizations that have significantly contributed to peace. Amidst 350 nominees in 2023, Mohammadi's selection underscores the urgency of her cause and the ripple effect of her work. This recognition follows a year marked by widespread protests in Iran, triggered by the tragic death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in the custody of Iran's morality police in September 2022.

The decision to honor Mohammadi extends beyond her personal courage and resilience. It signifies a broader acknowledgment of the human rights movement in Iran, and the Committee's decision sends a potent message to the Iranian government to heed the voices of its people.

The Nobel Peace Prize carries a monetary reward of 11 million Swedish Kroner, equivalent to nearly a million US dollars, a 10% increase from the previous year. The laureate also receives a diploma and one of the Nobel Committee's 18-carat gold medals. The Committee hopes that Mohammadi's recognition will prompt her release from prison for the December prize ceremony, thus adding another layer of international pressure on the Iranian government.

The international community has welcomed Mohammadi's recognition. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg and Suzanne Nossel, CEO of PEN America, have praised Mohammadi's bravery and fearlessness. Mohammadi's brother, Hamidreza, expressed hope that this recognition would catalyze an improvement in the situation for activists in Iran.

The Nobel Committee Chair, Berit Reiss-Andersen, noted that recent laureates reflect a global decline in democracy. The Committee hopes that Mohammadi's award will inspire the continuation of the human rights movement in Iran and prompt the Iranian government's "right decision" to release her.

Despite her imprisonment, Mohammadi's activism continues unabated. She has been organizing inmates and even managed to smuggle out an article published in The New York Times. Her award symbolizes the collective resistance against the Iranian regime and its targeting of women.

Narges Mohammadi's story is a beacon of hope for activists in Iran and around the world. Her recognition as the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize laureate serves as a potent reminder that the fight for human rights and freedom must persist, regardless of the regime's oppressive nature.


On 5th October 2023, the literary world celebrated as the Nobel Prize in Literature was bestowed upon Jon Fosse, a revered Norwegian author. Fosse, a 64-year-old novelist, playwright, essayist, and poet, has been lauded for his groundbreaking plays and prose, and his unique ability to articulate the inexpressible. This recognition has elevated him to potentially become the world’s most prominent Norwegian writer of contemporary fiction, even surpassing his former student, Karl Ove Knausgård.

Born in Haugesund and raised in Strandebarm, Norway, Fosse's literary journey began in 1983 and has spanned three decades. His early life, marked by a Quaker and Pietist family background, a near-death experience, and a passion for rock music and writing, greatly influenced his literary style. Fosse studied comparative literature at the University of Bergen and began writing in Nynorsk, with his debut novel, Raudt, svart (Red, Black), published in 1983.

His works, translated into over forty languages, are renowned for their powerful themes, riveting narratives, and profound exploration of human experiences. Fosse's Septology I-VII, for example, delves into the existential crisis, memory loss, and the concept of doppelgangers through the character of Asle, an aging artist wrestling with time, art, and identity. His influences range from Samuel Beckett, Georg Trakl, Thomas Bernhard, to Olav H. Hauge, Franz Kafka, William Faulkner, Virginia Woolf, and the Bible.

Fosse's extensive body of work includes the 2023 novella, Aliss at the Fire, which paints a poignant picture of an elderly woman reminiscing about her husband lost to a storm, and The Boathouse, a 1989 publication that explores the life of a reclusive man who is confronted by his successful childhood friend. His 1999 play, Dream of Autumn, which premiered in English in Dublin in 2006, unravels themes of time, intergenerational circularity, and relationships.

Fosse's global recognition is evident in his ranking as number 83 on the list of the Top 100 living geniuses by The Daily Telegraph and his honorary residence at the Grotten, granted by the Norwegian state in 2011. His novel, A New Name: Septology VI-VII, made the shortlist for the International Booker Prize in April 2022, and was a finalist for the 2023 National Book Critics Circle Award in Fiction. Notably, Fosse became the first Nynorsk writer and the fourth Norwegian to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Fosse's personal life has been as dynamic as his career, with three marriages and a son from his first marriage. Currently residing in Austria with his third wife, Fosse also owns homes in Bergen and other parts of western Norway. He joined the Catholic Church in 2012–2013 and underwent rehabilitation for alcohol consumption.

In summary, Jon Fosse's compelling narratives, profound exploration of human experiences, and innovative plays have earned him international acclaim and the esteemed Nobel Prize in Literature. His journey serves as an inspiration for aspiring writers and a testament to the transformative power of literature.


The 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz, and Anne L’Huillier for their pioneering work in attosecond physics, a field that has revolutionized our understanding of the microcosm. Their innovative technique, involving precision lasers to observe the rapid movements of electrons, has provided a new lens through which we can view our universe.

The scale at which these laureates operate is incredibly minute, dealing with attoseconds, an extraordinarily short unit of time. To comprehend this scale, consider that there are as many attoseconds in one second as there have been seconds since the universe's inception.

The laureates' technique involves generating ultra-short bursts of light with precision lasers. This has enabled scientists to measure rapid electron processes that were previously unobservable, appearing as mere blurs under even the most sophisticated microscopes.

Anne L’Huillier, a professor at Lund University in Sweden, discovered a new effect from a laser light’s interaction with atoms in a gas. This discovery was further developed by Pierre Agostini, a professor at Ohio State University, and Ferenc Krausz, a professor at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics in Germany, who demonstrated that this effect could be used to create even shorter light pulses.

According to the Nobel committee, their experiments have allowed scientists to "capture the shortest of moments," akin to a strobe light imaging rapid movements. Although the technique doesn't permit direct observation of electrons, it enables scientists to measure various attributes of these subatomic particles.

The implications of their work are profound, with potential applications ranging from enhancing our understanding of electrons, crucial to electronics, to developing imaging tools for the semiconductor industry, and even improving medical diagnostics.

Michael Moloney, the chief executive of the American Institute of Physics, lauded this breakthrough as a "transformative moment in physics and in science," and emphasized that it has "opened up a whole new window on our universe."

The laureates' work has not only advanced our understanding of the microcosm but also made history. L’Huillier's win is particularly notable as she is only the fifth woman to win a Nobel Prize in Physics since the awards were instituted in 1901.

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, which announced the award on 3 October 2023, emphasized that the laureates' experiments resulted in "pulses of light so short that they are measured in attoseconds." This breakthrough in "attosecond physics" is anticipated to lead to more precise electron microscopes, faster electronics, and new early disease diagnosis tests.

The laureates will share the prize money of 11m Swedish krona (£824,000), a modest recognition for the monumental impact their work has had and will continue to have on our comprehension of the universe.

In essence, the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics underscores the power of scientific inquiry and the relentless pursuit of knowledge. As we continue to explore the realm of attoseconds, we edge closer to unraveling the mysteries of the microcosm, and who knows what other secrets of the universe we might uncover?


On October 4, 2023, the scientific community celebrated as Moungi G. Bawendi, Louis E. Brus, and Alexei I. Ekimov were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences recognized these three scientists for their revolutionary work in nanotechnology, specifically for their discovery and synthesis of quantum dots.

Quantum dots, nanoparticles whose properties are dictated by their size, were first synthesized in the 1980s by Alexei Ekimov. He utilized copper chloride nanoparticles within colored glass, marking the inception of a new era in nanotechnology. Louis Brus advanced this research by demonstrating size-dependent quantum effects in particles suspended in fluid. The synthesis of quantum dots was further refined in 1993 by Moungi Bawendi, who improved their chemical production, resulting in nearly flawless particles.

The unique characteristic of quantum dots is their color emission, which varies depending on their size. This has led to numerous applications, including use in QLED technology for computer monitors and television screens, LED lamps, and even in medical diagnostics to differentiate between healthy and diseased tissue during tumor removal.

The laureates' work has paved the way for a multitude of potential future applications such as flexible electronics, miniaturized sensors, slimmer solar cells, and encrypted quantum communication. Despite an early leak of the laureates' names by the Swedish Academy of Sciences, the award, amounting to 11 million Swedish kronor (£824,000), was unaffected. The laureates, all based in the US, were celebrated as “pioneers in the exploration of the nanoworld” by the Nobel committee for chemistry. The president of the American Chemical Society, Judith Giordan, also commended the laureates for transitioning their work from theory to practical application.

The laureates' diverse backgrounds further underline the global impact of their work. Bawendi, a Paris-born professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Brus, a Cleveland-born professor at Columbia University, and Ekimov, a former Chief Scientist at Nanocrystals Technology Inc. born in the former USSR, have all made substantial contributions to nanotechnology.

The 2023 Nobel Prize in Chemistry thus stands as a testament to the power of scientific discovery and the limitless potential of nanotechnology. Prof Gill Reid, the president of the Royal Society of Chemistry, encapsulated this sentiment, emphasizing the importance of diverse perspectives and teamwork in scientific advancements. As our world becomes increasingly reliant on technology, the work of these laureates underscores the infinite possibilities that lie within the exploration of the infinitesimal.


The year 2023 was a significant milestone in the scientific community as the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman. Their pioneering work in nucleoside base modifications led to the development of effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19, a monumental achievement in the face of a global health crisis.

Karikó, a Hungarian biochemist, and Weissman, an immunologist, embarked on their groundbreaking research in the early 1990s at the University of Pennsylvania. Their shared fascination with mRNA, the molecule that conveys genetic instructions from DNA to the cell's protein-making machinery, led them to a groundbreaking discovery. They found that dendritic cells, critical in immune surveillance, saw in vitro transcribed mRNA as foreign, triggering an inflammatory response. This response was nearly eradicated when base modifications were introduced into the mRNA, a revelation that reshaped our understanding of cellular recognition and response to different mRNA forms.

Their research, published in 2005, laid the groundwork for mRNA vaccines. Over the next years, they demonstrated that base-modified mRNA enhanced protein production significantly compared to unmodified mRNA. Initially overlooked, these findings became a cornerstone in the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic.

By 2020, the world was grappling with the pandemic and desperate for a vaccine. Drawing on Karikó and Weissman's work, two base-modified mRNA vaccines encoding the SARS-CoV-2 surface protein were swiftly developed and approved by December 2020. These vaccines, manufactured by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna, have been administered over 13 billion times globally, saving millions of lives and preventing severe disease in countless others.

Despite their monumental achievement, both Karikó and Weissman continue their careers in science. Karikó is a Professor at Szeged University in Hungary and an Adjunct Professor at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Weissman serves as the Roberts Family Professor in Vaccine Research and Director of the Penn Institute for RNA Innovations.

Their innovative work has not only been crucial in curbing COVID-19 but has also opened new avenues in medicine. The mRNA technology they developed is being examined for potential use against other diseases, including malaria, RSV, HIV, and cancer.

In 2023, the Nobel Prize committee recognized their revolutionary contribution by awarding them the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Their work has reshaped our understanding of mRNA's interaction with our immune system, leading to an unprecedented rate of vaccine development during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In summary, Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman's story epitomizes the power of scientific curiosity and perseverance. Their pioneering work has not only changed the world but also saved countless lives. Their story continues to inspire future scientists and offers a beacon of hope amidst global health crises.


The political landscape of Slovakia is undergoing a significant transformation as former Prime Minister Robert Fico initiates negotiations to form a coalition government. Fico's Smer-SD party, founded in 1999, secured nearly 23% of the votes in the recent elections, paving the way for his possible fourth term. Born on 15 September 1964, Fico, a former Communist party member, has emerged as a key player in Slovak politics, notably leading the country into the eurozone in 2009.

Fico's political career, however, has been marred by controversy. Despite his election victory in 2010, he failed to form a coalition and resigned in 2018 amidst protests over a journalist's murder. Fico's admiration for Putin and Hungary's leader, Viktor Orban, his resistance to aiding Ukraine against Russia, and criticism of sanctions against Moscow have drawn attention. His views on immigration, same-sex marriage, adoption, and his opposition to Covid pandemic measures such as masks, lockdowns, and vaccination have also been contentious.

As Fico begins coalition talks, political analysts anticipate he will seek alliances with the moderate Hlas and the nationalist, pro-Russian Slovak National party (SNS). This potential coalition could command a slim majority of 79 seats in the 150-seat Slovak parliament. Nevertheless, observers caution about potential threats to the rule of law, the judiciary, media, and minority rights under this coalition.

Fico's potential return to power could also influence Slovakia's foreign policy. The country's arms shipments to Ukraine might decelerate or halt entirely, and Slovakia may align more closely with Hungary's Viktor Orban, thereby challenging the EU’s consensus on military support for Kyiv, migration, and the green transition.

The election results have stirred diverse reactions. Progressive Slovakia (PS), a liberal and pro-Ukrainian party that secured 18% of the vote, has pledged to do everything possible to prevent Fico from governing. Slovakia's President, Zuzana Čaputová, who has tasked Fico with forming a government, has responded with restrained enthusiasm to his victory.

Fico's victory has also caused unease among European Union and NATO members due to his stance on Ukraine and his criticism of the EU and NATO. As a member of both NATO and the European Union, Slovakia has traditionally backed Ukraine and called for strong EU sanctions against Russia, a position that may shift under a Smer-SD-led government.

However, not all outlooks are bleak. Some analysts suggest that Fico may steer clear of damaging disputes with Slovakia's main EU and NATO partners, given the probable participation of the more moderate Hlas in the coalition.

With Fico's coalition negotiations underway, the future of Slovakia's political landscape is at a critical juncture. The outcomes of these discussions could have far-reaching implications for not only Slovakia but the entire European Union. Whether Fico will guide Slovakia towards a more nationalist, anti-western direction or strike a balance between pro-EU positions and his own rhetoric is yet to be determined. What is certain is that Slovakia's political future is embarking on a crucial new chapter.