News That Matters

20/08/2022 ---- 12/09/2022

The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty on climate change. It was adopted by 196 Parties at COP 21 in Paris, on 12 December 2015 and entered into force on 4 November 2016. Its goal is to limit global warming to well below 2, preferably to 1.5 degrees Celsius, compared to pre-industrial levels. A study published on September 8 on Science highlights the importance of such objectives: by reviewing historic records and more than 200 peer-reviewed works, scientists determined that multiple climate tipping points could be triggered if global temperature rises beyond 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. By “tipping point” is meant the minimum amount of warming that might trigger a catastrophic shift in a system. The team found that at the current level of global warming - 1.1°C since the preindustrial era - Earth has already passed the low-end risk estimate for five tipping points, putting coral reefs, permafrost, and polar ice at risk. For polar ice sheets, however, the authors estimate that 1.5°C is the more likely tipping threshold, and that the sheets might be able to withstand as much as 3°C of warming without irreversible decline. Despite the study also indicates that a lot of really bad tipping points are still avoidable, lead author David Armstrong McKay from Stockholm Resilience Centre, University of Exeter, and the Earth Commission says that “the chance of crossing tipping points can be reduced by rapidly cutting greenhouse gas emissions, starting immediately”.


New York Governor Kathy Hochul declared a disaster emergency on Friday in a bid to accelerate efforts to vaccinate residents against polio after the virus was detected in wastewater samples taken in four counties. In early August a health official in New York State had already announced that there could be hundreds or even thousands of undiagnosed cases of polio. The vaccination is the only weapon against this virus. In the state of New York polio vaccination rate is only 79% - some counties having even lower rates. The position of the World Health organisation is clear and states that "All children worldwide should be fully vaccinated against polio, and every country should seek to achieve and maintain high levels of coverage with polio vaccines in support of the global commitment to eradicate polio." In some areas of US the access to health care and therefore vaccination are limited due to the high cost of health insurance.


Yesterday the European Central Bank raised three key interest rates by 75 basis points each: such drastic measure was implemented to fight the high inflation across the continent, mostly due to the ongoing energy crisis. With this premise, today September 9 the energy ministers of EU countries met in Bruxelles to discuss a series of exceptional measures to curb soaring electricity bills. The focus was on five points: (1) introduction of mandatory savings during peak hours, (2) a revenue cap for new producers, (3) capturing excess profits from fossil fuel companies, (4) liquidity aids to utility businesses, (5) a price cap on Russian gas imports. The outcome of this meeting gives to the European Commission a clearer political mandate on how to proceed: there is agreement on necessity to introduce energy saving measures, guarantee liquidity to utility businesses, capping revenues for new producers, and to take a solidarity contribution from fossil fuel companies. The ministers also “expect the Commission to propose emergency and temporary intervention including the gas price cap” said Jozef Síkela - EU minster of Industry and Trade - at the press conference after the meeting. In conclusion, in his words: “When Putin started his energy war he expected to divide us and damage our democratic societies and economies. Hi will not succeed, Europe is united against his aggression”. Concrete legislative proposals on these aspects are expected by the Commission within days.


In a world where energy crisis and scarcity of natural fossil fuels is more and more problematic, nuclear physics may be once again what separates present and future times. Nuclear fusion promises near-limitless clean energy by mimicking the natural reactions occurring in the Sun. In the past few years several advancements moved fusion towards commercialisation, which may now be only decades away. So far, state-of-the-art magnetic fusion devices could not yet achieve a sustainable fusion performance, which requires a high temperature above 100 million kelvin and sufficient control of instabilities to ensure steady-state operation on the order of tens of seconds. A study published don September 2 in Nature by a team from Seoul National University and the Korea Institute of Fusion Energy - experimented with the reactor at the Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) - reported generation of plasmas at a temperature of 100 million kelvin lasting up to 20 seconds without edge instabilities or impurity accumulation. For the first time, a fusion regime rarely subject to disruption and sustained without a sophisticated control is shown. It thus represents a promising path towards commercial fusion reactors. KSTAR is a pilot project that feeds information and technologies into the ITER project. In addition to South Korea, ITER’s 35 member states include China, India, Japan, the EU (including the UK), Russia and the United States. ITER was propelled into force when US President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev met in Geneva in 1985, granting the project with the mandate of benefitting mankind. Multiple countries subsequently joined. In 2005, the international body agreed – after strong bids from Paris and Tokyo – to build ITER in southern France. Construction is underway in Saint Paul-lez-Durance and the ITER facility is expected to come online in December 2025. Experts say that by 2035 most feasibility questions will be answered and by 2050 the commercial sector is likely to use fusion plants.


Elisabeth was queen of the United Kingdom and 14 other Commonwealth realms from 6 February 1952 until her death on 8 September 2022 at the age of 96. Elizabeth reigned as a constitutional monarch through major political changes such as the Troubles in Northern Ireland, devolution in the United Kingdom, the decolonisation of Africa, and the United Kingdom's accession to the European Communities and withdrawal from the European Union. Elizabeth was the longest-lived and longest-reigning British monarch in history. The Crown passes now to her son and heir Charles in an extremely difficult moment for England and the world. Rest in peace Queen Elisabeth.


Greece and Turkey have come close to war three times in the last half-century mainly due to Aegean Sea islands disputes and immigration. Ankara and Athens are also now entangled in a dispute over the right to explore for hydrocarbons near Turkey’s Mediterranean coast, where Cyprus and several Greek islands are also located. In the past few few weeks president of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who must contest elections by June next year, made several aggressive statements against the neighbouring country. He said on Monday that “Greece is not at our level, just as it is not our equal politically, economically, or militarily” in televised comments. He previously stated that Turkey may “come suddenly one night” amid a revival in accusations by his government that Greece has been illegally militarising islands near Turkey’s coastline. Greece denies the charges. “Your occupying the islands does not bind us. When the time, the hour, comes, we will do what is necessary”. This week the relationship reached a new low point as Greece’s government has written to NATO, EU, and the head of the United Nations asking them to condemn the aggressive talk by Turkey. Greece is warning the allies that current bilateral tensions could escalate into a second open conflict on European soil. In addition to this bilateral diatribe, statements have been directed also against the EU arguing it has an anti-Turkish attitude: “We know very well why the EU, which we are waiting to join, excludes us and includes countries that cannot be compared to us”. At only a few hours of the heavy statements by “Asian block” nations at the EEF, Erdogan said that “there is a West that is leading a policy based on provocation against Russia, which is not correct and will not be able to achieve any result”, adding that other countries should not underestimate Russia. His statements accompany a series of steps towards East: Turkey has not joined the Western sanctions regime against Russia and recently signed a new economic cooperation agreement with Moscow, including provisions of natural gas. Erdogan is expected to meet Putin at a regional summit in Uzbekistan next week. Chinese President Xi Jinping will also attend.


It was a hot plenary session on September 7 at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok. In this session president of Russia Vladimir Putin and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China Li Zhanshu took the floor. Putin’s plenary session lasted approximately 37 minutes becoming the longest one compared to his previous speeches at this forum. He predicts that the competitiveness of European companies will decrease since the EU administration is forbidding access to raw materials and energy at affordable prices. In his words: “The level of quality of life Europe has attained is being burned to fuel this sanctions machine in the name of the so-called Atlantic Unity” and said that it will be no coincidence if the global dominance of some EU companies is going to be replaced by American counterparts. He stated that the Russian federation is launching a number of projects to develop Russia far-East with new cities and universities, with the aim to attract corporations and highly trained people from the world. In conclusion, he stressed that as most Asian nations have rejected sanctions imposed by Western countries the logic of cooperation, of pooling of potentials and of mutual benefit with reliable partners - in particular Asian countries - will allow for a sustainable long-term development and a flourishing economy in the future. By replying questions, Putin also stated that Russia has benefited from the military operation in Ukraine through strengthening Russia’s sovereignty. He also accused the EU of “cheating” to import of grain through Turkey, grain which would be destined to developing countries. However, he also admits there is no breach of any signed contract. As a remedy, he announces negotiations to limit grain export to Western destinations in order to favour poorer countries. On gas provisions to EU, which is currently stopped, he accused Ukraine and Poland of sanctioning and shutting down pipelines and UK to sabotage all efforts to repair Nord Stream 1 by leveraging maintenance contracts signed with the British division of Siemens - the company providing the turbine that needs repair. On the price cap decided by G7 on September 2 he stated that “this decision has no future” and that the EU attempt to restrict prices will instead lead to a price increase. He rejects allegations of Russia using energy as a weapon and confirms that gas pipelines will be built to increase delivery to China. Li Zhanshu, in his intervention, said that China is interested in the vision of a strong Asian economy and reassured his country’s cooperation with Russia “across the whole spectrum”. In his words: “China believes that Russia is an important partner in international cooperation and will continue to develop cooperation in trade, finance, technology, science, education, and culture”. He also stated that China is ready to actively contribute to the development of Russia far-East. Alongside Putin and Li Zhanshu, in the plenary session short talks were given by Myanmar’s Chairman of the State Administration Council Min Aung Hlaing, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, and Mongolian Prime Minister Luvsannamsrein Oyun-Erdene.


The Thwaites Glacier, located in West Antarctica, is one of the widest on Earth and is larger than the state of Florida. It has been nicknamed “doomsday glacier” because of its high rise of collapse and threat to global sea level. In the coming years, scientists say, it has the potential to rapidly retreat, amplifying concerns over the extreme sea level rise that would accompany its potential demise. At some point in the last two centuries, the base of the glacier dislodged from the seabed and retreated at a rate of 1.3 miles (2.1 kilometres) per year. In a study published on September 5 in the journal Nature Geoscience it has been reported that new seabed imagery indicates that the glacier previously retreated at double its current rate, implying that mass loss could accelerate in the near future. The Thwaites Glacier, located in West Antarctica, is one of the widest on Earth and is larger than the state of Florida. But it's just a faction of the West Antarctic ice sheet, which holds enough ice to raise sea level by up to 16 feet, according to NASA. As the climate crisis has accelerated, this region has been closely monitored because of its rapid melting and its capacity for widespread coastal destruction. In 2021, a study showed the Thwaites Ice Shelf, which helps to stabilize the glacier and hold the ice back from flowing freely into the ocean could shatter within five years. The nature is warning us: climate change is happening and the time to find solutions is running out.


The 7th Eastern Economic Forum EEF, scheduled to be held from September 5 to 8 in Vladivostok, is focused this year on the theme "On the Path to a Multipolar World," according to the official website of the forum. Tomorrow September 7 high officials of the most relevant Asian nations will meet at the (EEF) in bilateral meetings planned around the plenary talk of Russian president Vladimir Putin. Alongside Putin, taking part in the plenary session will be Myanmar’s Chairman of the State Administration Council Min Aung Hlaing, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, Mongolian Prime Minister Luvsannamsrein Oyun-Erdene and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China Li Zhanshu. All these nations constitute a large block - the majority of Asia - and their relationships are currently strengthening. This aggregation of interests is accelerated by the Ukraine and Taiwan unresolved issues with Western countries, particularly US. The G20 in Bali, taking place in November, will see the leaders of these nations face to face with EU and US leaders for the first time since the Ukraine war started.


Across the United Kingdom, businesses and households are warning that they won't make it through the winter without help from the government. That sets up enormous challenges for the incoming prime minister Truss, elected today as successor to Boris Johnson. With inflation running above 10% yearly, soaring energy bills, and the ongoing Brexit consequences the UK is arguably the most impacted European state in the coming winter. During the electoral campaign the PM has defined China a threat - while the bilateral relationship has been growing in the past decade: a course inversion that could bring further economic turmoil. On other foreign matters such as pending issues with the EU and the will to see Russia defeated in Ukraine, new PM Truss is likely to continue the doing of her predecessor. With other nations already taking significant economic measures, PM Truss - already defined as the new Iron Lady - has the possibility to write history for her country in such a complex historical moment.


On September 4 2022 Chile voted on the proposal to adopt a new constitution where social inclusion, ecology, gender parity, indigenous rights are unmovable pillars. The text contains a number of articles designed to boost science, expand environmental protection and improve the nation’s education system. These stand in stark contrast to the contents of the text enacted more than four decades ago under the military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. In the past years many Chileans protested economic inequalities and demanded a new constitution. In 2020 the nation voted overwhelmingly to replace the document. A democratically elected assembly, including scientists, teachers, students and Indigenous representatives, formed to draft it. It is the first time in Chile's history a constitution was drafted democratically. With protests in Chile being heavily supported by feminist movements, the draft contains several strong points on gender parity. State bodies and public companies, among other entities, would have gender parity. The state would take measures to eradicate and punish gender violence. The proposal said every person is entitled to sexual and reproductive rights, including the voluntary interruption of pregnancy - abortion in Chile is currently legal only in cases that involve rape, unviable pregnancies or when the mother's life is in danger. The constitution draft also had an entire chapter dedicated to environment, stating that "nature has rights" and that animals are "subjects of special protection." Fighting climate change would be a state duty as would be protecting biodiversity, native species and natural spaces. Wetlands and glaciers would be "excluded from any mining activity" - Chile is the world's largest producer of copper and one of the top lithium producers. Clearly impacting many strong powers (such as mining corporations) the political campaign has been intense and characterised by accusations of misinformation. Today 62% rejected the proposal. Chile remains now with the constitution written by the military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.


Germany has announced a 65 billions package of measure to curb the rising energy costs due to scarce supplies after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz told journalists Germany would get through the winter, adding that Russia was "no longer a reliable energy partner".He said the government would make one-off payments to pensioners, people on benefits and students. There would also be caps on energy bills. Some 9,000 energy-intensive businesses would receive tax breaks to the tune of €1.7bn. Countries across Europe are considering similar measures. EU energy ministers are due to meet on 9 September to discuss how to ease the burden of energy prices across the bloc.


Yesterday Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak told reporters that Russia will suspend supplies of oil and petroleum products to states which will decide to restrict the price of oil from the country. On the same day the chairman of the board of Russia’s largest private oil company LUKoil (Ravil Maganov, 67) died after falling from a Moscow hospital window plunging from the sixth-floor window of the Central Clinical Hospital - known as the “Kremlin Clinic”. It is with these premises that today September 2 the finance ministers of G7 nations gathered in Elmau (Germany) to decide on the restrictions on Russian oil. The outcome of such meeting shows a strong resolve by EU on this matter. A joint statement has been released: “ […] We will curtail Putin’s capacity to fund his war from oil exports by banning services, such as insurance and the provision of finance, to vessels carrying Russian oil above an agreed price cap. We are united against this barbaric aggression and will do all we can to support Ukraine as they fight for sovereignty, democracy and freedom”. With this the G7 Leaders reaffirmed a shared commitment to preventing Russia from profiting from its war of aggression, to supporting stability in global energy markets and to minimising negative economic spillovers, especially on low- and middle-income countries. To deliver on this commitment, today they confirm a joint political intention to finalise and implement a comprehensive prohibition of services which enable maritime transportation of Russian-origin crude oil and petroleum products globally – the provision of such services would only be allowed if the oil and petroleum products are purchased at or below a price (“the price cap”) determined by the broad coalition of countries adhering to and implementing the price cap. In the following days and weeks such measures will be implemented, with a reaction by Russia to be expected. A few hours later Gazprom announced the possibility of a prolonged halt of natural gas supply through a key pipeline to Germany (Nord Stream 1), citing the need for urgent maintenance work. Today the energy ministers of G20 nations had a parallel meeting in Bali to discuss energy security. The meeting was wrapped up without producing a joint statement toward a stable supply of energy. Differences between Russia and the West likely prevented their reaching an agreement.


The Uyghurs are recognised as native to the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in Northwest China. They are one of China's 55 officially recognised ethnic minorities. Since 2014 the Chinese government created camps to ensure “adherence to to Chinese Communist Party (CCP) ideology, preventing separatism, fighting terrorism, and providing vocational training to Uyghurs”. A report published on Wednesday in the wake of the visit by UN High Commissioner of Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet in May, said that “allegations of patterns of torture, or ill-treatment, including forced medical treatment and adverse conditions of detention, are credible, as are allegations of individual incidents of sexual and gender-based violence.” The UN rights office said that Wednesday’s report was “based on a rigorous review of documentary material currently available to the Office, with its credibility assessed in accordance with standard human rights methodology. At the same time China firmly opposes the release of the so-called Xinjiang-related report by the UN Human Rights Office. Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said China attaches importance to balanced promotion of all types of human rights, to dialogue and cooperation with member states, and opposes the wrong practice of politicising human rights and double standards.


Today the European Union has decided to fully suspend a 2007 visa agreement with Russia and intensify scrutiny over the future applications submitted by Russian tourists. The suspension of the agreement is expected to significantly hinder the visa application process, making it much more expensive, burdensome and drawn-out for Russian nationals planning to visit the bloc. "It’s going to be more difficult and longer, and consequently the number of new visas will be substantially reduced," said Josep Borrell, the EU's foreign policy chief, at the end of an informal meeting of foreign affairs ministers in Prague. While this move demonstrates the EU resolve about the Ukraine matter, some argue that it may strengthen Putin’s regime.


EU has been struggling with a growing gas pricing since the beginning of the Ukraine crisis. With Gazprom - Russia’s state controlled energy giant - reducing the gas flux towards EU, and temporarily stopping them for alleged maintenances, prices at the Title Transfer Facility (TTF) - the continent's leading trading hub - reached €321 per megawatt-hour, a stratospheric figure compared to the €27 set a year ago. Some European countries, like Poland, Bulgaria and Finland, have already had their supplies cut off, while others (Germany, Austria, Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands, etc.) have seen their deliveries significantly reduced. Ministers and leaders in EU are now discussing measures: stocks are being cumulated and energy-saving measures are being implemented. Leaders will also meet to decide wether a gap to the energy price should be implemented. Despite such efforts, some are already announcing that companies may face energy ‘rationing’ this winter.


Today NASA announced postponing Artemis I flight due to engine issues. At the same time the Chinese space program continues towards a fully functional space station and receives good news from botanic experiments onboard. China's Wentian lab module successfully arrived at the China Space Station in the early hours on July 25 and docked with the Tianhe core cabin. Wentian is the second section of the three module Chinese Space Station. Before China, only the former Soviet Union and the US were capable of assembling ultra-large spacecraft in orbit. Today, August 29, good news come from the Wentian’s ecology experimental module as rice seeds have sprouted into tall plants and growing. The experiment is expected to complete a full life cycle "from seeds to seeds”, and during the process astronauts will collect samples and then freeze and preserve them, before finally returning them to the ground for analysis. If completed, this will be the world's first to complete the whole life cycle of rice cultivation under space microgravity conditions. The long term goal of such developments being deep space exploration, a new highly competitive race may have started between US and China in space.


Almost 50 years after the last Apollo mission ventured to the lunar surface, NASA has established the Artemis program, which has the ultimate goal of establishing a long-term presence on the Moon’s surface. With a long-term presence established on or around the Moon, it would then be used for future missions further afield, including to Mars - and it all begins with Artemis I. All of the objectives for the inaugural Artemis flight will demonstrate capabilities necessary for when the Orion spacecraft carries humans to deep space. The list includes an overall safe flight, the performance of the rocket, testing the heat shield and retrieving the spacecraft. Artemis I is officially a test flight where new technologies will be tested without crew onboard. After Artemis I comes Artemis 2 and 3, NASA’s first manned lunar missions in five decades. Artemis 3 will be the first crewed lunar landing since Apollo 17 in 1972. It is also intended to be the first mission to land a woman on the Moon. After the discovery in 2009 of Lunar pits and caves that could provide Earth-like temperatures (17 degrees Celsius, 63 Fahrenheit) long term permanence on the Moon’s surface may not be too far away. These pit craters, and the caves to which they may potentially lead, would make safer, more thermally stable base camps for lunar exploration and long-term habitation than the rest of the Moon’s surface, which heats up to 260 degrees (126.6 Celsius) during the day and drops to 280 degrees below zero at night (-173.3 Celsius).


It is a scientific fact that human life depends on oceans and their biodiversity. In the last decades an incredible number of species in the sea have reduced in number so much that they are now at risk of extinction. A study published in Science found that under business-as-usual global temperature increases, marine systems are likely to experience mass extinctions on par with past great extinctions. Protecting the biodiversity that has been created in the seas in the last 50 million years is now a critical and urgent global matter. Yet, a fifth round of negotiations for a UN ocean treaty to protect and manage the high seas failed to reach an agreement on Friday in New York. The negotiations focused on four key areas: (1) Establishing marine protected areas for more than 30% of the earth’s surface; (2) Improving environmental impact assessments; (3) Providing finance and capacity building to developing countries; (4) Sharing of marine genetic resources - biological material from plants and animals in the ocean that can have benefits for society, such as pharmaceuticals, industrial processes and food. Laura Meller, who leads Greenpeace’s ocean protection campaign, accused rich countries such as the United States of being too slow to compromise. “Russia has also been a key blocker in negotiations, refusing to engage in the treaty process itself, or attempting to compromise with the European Union and many other states on a wide range of issues,” Meller said. The talks will resume next year unless a special emergency session is called before the end of 2022. One of the most sensitive issues revolves around the sharing of possible profits gained from developing genetic resources in international waters, where pharmaceutical, chemical and cosmetic companies hope to find miracle drugs, products or cures. Such costly research at sea is largely the prerogative of rich nations, but developing countries do not want to be left out of potential windfall profits drawn from marine resources that belong to no one. Similar issues of equity between the Global North and South arise in other international negotiations, such as on climate change, where developing nations feel outsized harms from global warming and try in vain to get wealthier nations to help pay to offset those impacts. Economic differences between nations are hindering developments that are more and more urgent for our species’ future survival.


Unprecedented heatwave continues in China

The world's second-largest economy has experienced over 70 days of heatwaves, flash floods and droughts - phenomena that scientists say are becoming more frequent and intense due to climate change. Dazhou, a city that is home to more than 5.3 million people in the Southwest, has seen particularly high temperatures. The heat reached up to 43 degrees Celsius on Tuesday, the highest on local meteorological records since 1953. The extreme weather is also testing Dazhou’s power generation capacity. Some counties and rural areas have suffered prolonged and irregular power outages, which has affected both the lives of local residents and business production. Power shortages have been a problem for many areas across the country recently, notably in Sichuan and its neighbouring city Chongqing due to the extremely hot weather. Reports of extreme conditions also came from Chinese social networks: due to 40 reported Covid cases, in Chongqing authorities ordered more than 10 million people in the city's central urban districts to undergo mandatory tests. The highest temperature in Chongqing soared past 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) and some posted their exasperation during the long waiting in the queues. The regions affected by such extreme conditions also happen to be major grain-producing areas that satisfy a substantial percentage of the yearly need (more than 25%). The rapid expansion of drought, combined with heat waves, poses a serious threat to autumn grain harvest - the Ministry of Agriculture said on Tuesday. The Chinese government is continuously allocating more funds to support autumn harvest and help drought relief that is threatening crop growth.


Dugong is declared extinct in China

Known as the ocean's most gentle giant, the dugong is a unique character of the sea. Weighing in at almost half a tonne and it is the only vegetarian marine mammal. Scientists at Zoological Society of London (ZSL) and the Chinese Academy of Science reviewed all historical data on where dugongs had previously been found in China. They found there had been no verified sightings by scientists since 2000. Moreover, the researchers turned to citizen science to interview 788 community members living in those coastal regions identified, residents reported not having seen a dugong for 23 years. Only three people had seen one in the past five years. Researchers concluded that this beautiful mammal, related to the manatee and inspiration of the ancient tales of mermaids and sirens, is now irreversibly extinct in China. It still exists elsewhere in the world but it is a vulnerable species as defined by WWF. Dugongs are threatened by sea grass habitat loss or degradation because of coastal development or industrial activities that cause water pollution.  If there is not enough sea grass to eat then the dugong does not breed normally. This makes the conservation of their shallow water marine habitat very important. They also often become victims of bycatch, the accidental entanglement in fishing nets.


Farmer’s protests in India are causing public security issues throughout the country. This Monday farmers organizations have once again taken to the streets in protests and called for a 'mahapanchayat' (public meeting) at Jantar Mantar in the national capital New Delhi. Despite the national guard was preparing since days to the event, more than 5000 protesters broke barricades with banners and flags and marched through the streets shouting anti-Modi government slogans. They demanded president Modi take the actions he announced last November, when he said he would repeal three farm laws aimed at agricultural deregulation. Farmers claim the laws allow big companies to exploit them and demand a law guaranteeing minimum price on their crops. The protesters were also demanding the release of a group of farmers who were arrested by the police last year in connection with farmers’ agitation.


Singapore to make LGBT relationships legal

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on Sunday that Singapore will decriminalise sex between men but has no plans to change the legal definition of marriage as being between a man and a woman. A small but important step for LGBT rights in a nation where homosexual relationships are still "de facto" illegal. LGBTQ groups welcomed Lee's decision to repeal Section 377A of the penal code, but also expressed concern that ruling out same-sex marriage would help to perpetuate discrimination. Singapore is the latest place in Asia to move on LGBT rights, after India, Taiwan and Thailand. In recent years, other parts of Asia have also moved to legalise gay marriage. Taiwan became the first place to do so in 2019, and in June Thailand approved draft legislation allowing same-sex unions. Curiously enough, anti-homosexual laws were inherited from the English legislation during colonialism. While nowadays in the UK homosexual families are free and equal to heterosexual ones, many Asian governments are still struggling to accept such societal changes.


On January 15 the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai (HTHH) volcano erupted with a record global impact: it sent a tsunami racing around the world, set off a sonic boom that circled the globe twice, and it released into the atmosphere a record amount of hot vapor. Experts hypothesized that such event could impact the global ozone layer and provoke an average raise in the Earth’s surface temperature. The eruption was the largest since Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines blew in 1991, and the biggest explosion ever recorded by instruments. For this reason an international mission led by New Zealand's National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (Niwa) and funded by the Nippon Foundation of Japan is now in place to monitor and understand the volcanic activity. The Uncrewed Surface Vessel (USV) Maxlimer is part-way through mapping the opening of the underwater HTHH volcano. The data collected so far has confirmed earlier reports of continuing volcanic activity from HTHH. Sharon Walker, Oceanographer at NOAA’s Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory said: “Early data shows ongoing activity within the caldera, though it is too early to tell if it is due to continuing eruption but at a reduced intensity, or hydrothermal venting driven by cooling lava, or both.” Robotic, remotely controlled boats are likely to be the future of maritime operations. When surveying a dangerous area such as the active HTHH volcano, remote control ensures no crew are put in harm's way.


This summer EU, US, and China have been hit by scarcity of rainfalls and record high temperatures. Photographs from satellites show major rivers have been drying up considerably (see CNN): Colorado (US), Yangtze (China), Rhine (Germany), Po (Italy), Loire (France), Danube (Romania). Water rationing is already in place in some municipalities of Italy, while more than 100 municipalities in France are short of drinking water and need to receive shipments. In Germany boat transport has now a reduced capacity, impacting pricing and supply chain of essential materials (such as coal). Even in the Netherlands the government had to introduce restrictive measures for agriculture. Analogous measures are in place in south China to guarantee the autumn harvest. Climate change and unsustainable water management are leaving lakes dried up all over the Middle East and beyond, but the Israeli government is hopeful it has a solution: it plans to pump water from the Mediterranean sea. Israel, already a water-insecure nation since decades, has learned to treat sea water at scale to produce drinking water. This strategy has issues - one above all it is energy intensive - but it may be the best future option for many if the weather conditions of the past few months become the standard in the future. Since desalinization takes energy, it is even more important now to improve sustainable energy production. Experts’ analysis of the consequences on the economy are not bright: on one hand the current conflicts exacerbate the energy pricing, at the same time the supply chain is negatively impacted and slows down operations.


South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol proposed, in his first Liberation Day speech marking the 77th anniversary of the end of Japanese colonial rule over the Korean Peninsula, that Seoul offer economic aid to Pyongyang in exchange for the North taking steps toward denuclearization. This was referred to as an “audacious initiative”. Unfortunately this attempt added to an already long list of failed negotiations - with a very short notice. The sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has rejected the proposal saying that Yoon's plan is “the height of absurdity" as it is unpractical. She added that Yoon should “shout his mouth” and that “although he may knock on the door with a large plan in the future, his 'bold plan' does not work. We make it clear that we will not sit face to face with him”. South Korea's Unification Minister Kwon Young-se has expressed regret over the reaction and added that her criticism is a disservice to North Korea as well as peace on the Korean Peninsula.